Cloud Computing Fosters Innovation within Healthcare Industry

  Given the rigorous regulatory demands and the management of highly sensitive data, is the cloud an option for the healthcare industry? Additionally, can cloud computing help facilitate the innovation that is desperately needed within the industry? I had the opportunity to speak with Scott Whyte, chief strategy officer at ClearDATA, to hear his insights.

September 24th, 2019|

Cloud Computing Considerations, Benefits, and Concerns

Cloud Computing Considerations, Benefits, and Concerns: Cloud computing is growing rapidly in revenue, sophistication, and capabilities. Some major players are battling it out trying to be the king of the cloud. What does this battle look like? How has the cloud affected companies? What are CTOs’ greatest concerns? After the Battle for the Cloud TechDebate

September 17th, 2019|

DevOps Expedite Innovation—Here’s How

Can security and compliance work within an Agile framework, or are the tensions simply too great? On September 17, 2019, in Austin, Texas, a TechDebate panel of Agile and technology experts will gather to address this question. Director of Cloud Infrastructure Boyd Hemphill at Contrast Security will be one of our panelists. Boyd has extensive

September 9th, 2019|

Learn About High-Performance Computing & Cloud Computing With Our Use Cases

Cloud computing as a business is fairly new. It was introduced by Amazon in 2006, followed by Google beta product in 2008, and last but not least - Microsoft released its first version of Azure in 2010. Since then clouds have been evolving at an astonishing pace, constantly improving performance, inter-communication, and adding new

July 29th, 2019|

More Basics about Alternative Legacy Modernization Strategies 

  For companies not sure what migration approach will work best for them, we’ve created a comprehensive list of alternative legacy modernization strategies. When it comes to the necessary steps a company needs to take to keep up in today’s fast-paced tech climate, updating legacy systems is an absolute must. We’ve previously written at length

February 14th, 2019|

An Introduction to Golang by Google

In 2007 Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created a compiled and statically typed language called “Go.” This new language was meant to resolve problems they regularly experienced with languages they were using at Google. Here is a list of the pain points this group sought to address: Slow builds Uncontrolled dependencies Different subsets

April 1st, 2016|