Transforming Insurance Landscape with Emerging Technologies and Data

Transform Your Strategy into Actionable Insights

Talk To Our Insurance Technology Team
Sphere Partners

Redefining Insurance for Tomorrow

In today’s world, insurance isn’t just about policies; it’s about forging true partnerships in risk management. We at Sphere recognize the evolving landscape where insurers and policyholders unite, weaving robust “financial safety nets” for a future that’s not just safer, but resilient and forward-looking. This shift is visible in the modern insurer’s playbook, where spotting risks in both new and established sectors goes hand-in-hand with leveraging transformative technologies.

Drivers Of Modernization

Accelerating the Journey of Innovation

Drive innovation and achieve greater sustainability with services that form the bedrock of our insurance transformation approach. These services are committed to providing the necessary support and infrastructure for a seamless transition. By leveraging these, we ensure a robust foundation for our partners that enables efficient operations, streamlined processes and enhanced customer experiences.

Core systems

Implementation, upgrades, maintenance and modernization of legacy core systems

Intelligent automation

End-to-end process automation through the unstructured intake, process orchestration, AI/ML, digital experience and RPA solutions


Portfolio migration solutions covering core systems as well as surround systems

Data and insights

Implementation of cloud-based solutions, enterprise data strategy, AI/ML use cases and compliance for insurance

Business operations

Effective, agile and insight-driven operations across the insurance lifecycle

AI in Action: Claim Your Free Webinar Recording

Explore the latest insights from industry leaders and learn how to:

  • Free Your Time: Let AI handle tasks, approvals, and threats.
  • Master the Future: Gain knowledge on AI architecture and data utilization.
  • Mythbusting Insurance AI: Separate facts from fiction.
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Policy Lifecycle
Management Automation

Sphere Partners
Business problem

Managing policy renewals, payments, and compliance manually is resource-intensive and prone to errors.


Streamlining policy lifecycle management with automated systems.

Business Outcomes and Benefits

Streamlining policy lifecycle management with automated systems.

Cross-Platform Mobile App
for Policy and Claims Management

Sphere Partners
Business problem

Disparate mobile experiences between iOS and Android platforms lead to inconsistent customer service and user experience.


Utilizing cross-platform technologies for a unified app experience.

Business Outcomes and Benefits

Improves customer engagement by providing equal access to policy management and claims services, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

Regulatory and Compliance
Management Integration

Sphere Partners
Business problem

Keeping up with constantly evolving and state-specific regulatory changes is challenging and risky.


Automating regulatory and compliance management through direct integration with state bodies.

Business Outcomes and Benefits

Ensures real-time adherence to laws, reducing the risk of non-compliance and enhancing operational confidence.

Dynamic Pricing and Underwriting

Sphere Partners
Business problem

Actuaries are spending valuable time on low-value activities, which hampers agility and advanced analytical capabilities in pricing and underwriting, hindering improvements in risk and pricing modeling.


  • Unified cloud-native platform
  • Scalability for ingesting IoT data from millions of trips, expanding the customer base
  • Reduced total cost of ownership compared to legacy Hadoop systems
  • Usage-based pricing, leading to lower premiums for customers and reduced risk for insurance carriers, thereby lowering loss ratios
  • Enables the creation of a digitally enabled, end-to-end underwriting experience

Business Outcomes and Benefits

  • Improve competitive position
  • Decrease combined ratio
  • 15% improvement in efficiencies

Claims Triage
and Prioritization

Sphere Partners
Business problem

Missing data, or data that is “not in good order” and needs to be corrected before processing, leads to claims, leakage, and inefficient processes in triaging claims to the right resource.


Develop a custom claims triage solution using LLMs that can analyze claim descriptions, extract key information, and automatically prioritize claims based on predefined criteria. This solution can help insurance companies streamline their claims processing workflow, reduce response times, and improve customer satisfaction.

Business Outcomes and Benefits

  • Decrease in annual claims payout
  • Increase in claim fraud detection/revention
  • Improve efficiencies by 15%

Customer Engagement

Sphere Partners
Business problem

The inability to reconcile customer records across different lines of business limits real-time customer insights necessary for upselling and cross-selling. Siloed data makes it challenging to create accurate and comprehensive customer profiles, resulting in suboptimal recommendations for the next best action.


  • Eliminates data silos by unifying all customer data to create complete customer profiles
  • Integrated data security ensures that security measures are incorporated at every layer
  • Delta improves data quality, providing a single source of truth for real-time streams and ensuring reliable and high-quality data for data teams
  • Integrated ML and AI capabilities utilize AI to create self-optimizing ML
  • MLflow model lifecycle management helps manage the entire machine learning lifecycle reliably, securely and at scale

Business Outcomes and Benefits

  • Use AI, ML, automation and real- time data to gain deeper customer insights and understand their needs
  • Improve competitive positioning
  • Enhance the customer experience

Harness the Full Power of Your Data Assets


Data scientists


AI & LLM experts


AI & LLM experts


Full time developers


BI experts

Increase Business Velocity With Artificial Intelligence


Global offices


Accelerated LLM models



Our experience with Sphere and their team has been and continues to be fantastic. We keep throwing new projects at them, and they keep knocking them out of the park (including the rescue of a project that was previously bungled by another vendor).

Selah Ben-Haim VP of Engineering at Prominence Advisors
Sphere Partners

I would expect to be delighted. It’s been a really positive experience, working with Sphere, and I would expect you to have the same.

Ben Crawford Senior Product Manager at Enova Financial
Sphere Partners

Sphere consistently prioritizes the needs of their clients, demonstrating both agility and teamwork. They bring innovative and well-considered solutions, consistently surpassing my expectations.

Mark Friedgan CEO at CreditNinja
Sphere Partners

Sphere provided excellent full-stack development manpower to augment our team and work with us.

René Pfitzner Co-Founder at Experify
Sphere Partners

We've been working with Sphere and its excellent consultants since our founding. Their combination of offshore talent, pricing, and shift offsetting is hard to beat. They provide crucial augmentation to our in-house team. We simply couldn't achieve our production ambitions without their service.

Bruce Burdick Chief Information Officer at Integra Credit
Sphere Partners

The resources and developers that Sphere Software provides are skilled and have the required technical expertise to complete their tasks successfully, with the team easily scaled in either direction. The deliverables are always high-quality.

Jemal Swoboda CEO at Dabble
Sphere Partners

With Sphere, we were able to migrate in half the time it would take to train an additional FTE…

Arthur Tretyak Founder and CEO at IntegraCredit
Sphere Partners

These things would not have been achievable if we did not build our own in-house system. We augmented our development team capabilities using Sphere’s developer, who works very well with our Dev Lead in Chicago. Sphere’s developer was an expert in the new system, and continues to be an expert as we evolve it.

Lee Ebreo VP of Engineering at Credit Ninja
Sphere Partners