Case Study: Professional Services Firm Streamlines Operations, Saves Time with NetSuite

30 Jan 2020


Professional Services firms need the tools and technology to scale with company growth. We frequently come across many requests to reduce administrative time so that a company’s resources could spend more time with clients. In a very increasingly competitive market, Professional Service companies seek to get a real-time view of their customers, resources, and financials that will let them deliver projects that maximize profitability.


Many Professional Services firms are running on outdated technology, not to add, the lack of integration between on-premise ERP and PSA solutions that comes along with this outdated technology. Resources spend time on workarounds, too many manual inputs and paper-based processes. With such high company growth, Professional services companies search for an ERP system with automated processes, one that can accommodate their need for an increase of projects and transactions, but also, a system that supports their current needs and built for scalability.

Oracle NetSuite


By implementing a combination of NetSuite ERP and SRP, the Professional Services company gains a fully integrated end-to-end Services Resource Planning (SRP) solution that supports every department of a Professional Services business.  From built-in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Professional Services Automation (PSA), to finance/accounting/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), NetSuite ERP/SRP supports the complete life cycle. After implementing NetSuite ERP and SRP, these companies can now benefit from full visibility on project profitability, efficiency, and the scalability it needs to scale the company.


To find out more about Sphere Partners, an Oracle NetSuite Alliance Partner, and how to leverage our experienced consulting team to potentially unlock your business for growth and scalability, contact us today.