Robotic Process Automation: An Insurance for the Insurance Industry

10 May 2024

The global insurance industry landscape is undergoing a paradigm transformation driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors.

Modern consumers expect seamless digital experiences, personalized services, and fast responses from their insurance providers. This shift in consumer behavior, coupled with the rise of InsurTech startups and tech-savvy competitors, has forced traditional insurers to rethink their strategies and embrace digital innovation.

Most insurers have become accustomed to the marketing landscape characterized by modest premium growth and escalating loss costs. However, the insurance industry now stands at a pivotal juncture, propelled by the rapid advancement of emerging technologies that prioritize outcome-driven operational strategies. 

Regrettably, not all insurers possess the cultural disposition or capability to readily adapt to these changes. 

In response, many insurance companies are investing heavily in digital transformation initiatives aimed at modernizing their operations, enhancing customer engagement, and improving efficiency. From adopting cloud-based technologies to implementing artificial intelligence and data analytics, insurers are leveraging cutting-edge tools to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Moreover, regulatory changes, such as GDPR and Solvency II, are placing greater emphasis on data security, privacy, and transparency, further driving the need for digitalization within the industry.

Against this backdrop, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a key enabler of digital transformation in the insurance sector. By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and improving data accuracy, RPA is helping insurers unlock new levels of efficiency and agility in an increasingly digital world.

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Insurance Industry?

In the insurance sector, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) entails deploying software bots to handle rule-based tasks and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that do not involve strategic decision-making. These tasks typically include repetitive or mundane manual activities like data entry, report generation, and document updating. By automating these processes, RPA allows employees to redirect their focus towards tasks that require emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and creativity.

RPA, when combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), proves to be particularly well-suited for supporting distributed workforces and facilitating remote operations. In the insurance industry, RPA can effectively carry out the following functions:

  • Transferring data between applications through copying and pasting.
  • Extracting pertinent information from emails and various documents and transferring it to a central system.
  • Streamlining both back-end and front-end processes.
  • Seamlessly integrating with existing legacy systems and rules engines to automate entire workflows.

While the banking and finance sectors have already embraced automation on a large scale, the insurance industry stands to benefit significantly from adopting RPA. It’s high time insurers leverage the advantages offered by RPA to enhance operational efficiency and stay competitive in the evolving market landscape.

The Value of RPA

RPA optimizes the daily business processes that often burden employees with time-consuming tasks, depleting their energy and dampening morale. By deploying RPA bots across various systems, insurers can enhance both accuracy and efficiency, thereby liberating human resources for more strategic endeavors. Studies have demonstrated a remarkable increase in ROI, with some cases showing up to a 200% rise within the initial year of RPA implementation in financial services

Given the reliance of insurance companies on a blend of legacy applications and systems, RPA presents a viable solution to seamlessly integrate these disparate systems with minimal coding. This integration enables insurers to expedite operations, trim labor costs, and explore avenues for business innovation. Notably, Gartner predicts that by 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will utilize low-code or no-code technologies. 

On a more micro level, RPA help –  

  • Enhance scalability by speeding up workflows and handling spikes in claims.
  • Reduce operational costs and increase productivity.
  • Mitigate the risk of human error, improving data accuracy and regulatory compliance.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by accelerating processes and providing faster responses.
  • Facilitate data analytics by aggregating and structuring data from multiple sources.
  • Seamlessly integrate with legacy applications, streamlining digital workflows.

RPA Use Cases

Claims Processing

In insurance, claims processing involves document-heavy, time-consuming tasks as policyholders seek reimbursement for losses. Intelligent automation can streamline the entire process, from data extraction to settlement, freeing up resources for strategic initiatives.


Manual underwriting in insurance presents challenges like data availability and risk assessment. Integrating AI and automation solutions streamlines underwriting processes, ensuring prompt decisions for customers while enabling underwriters to focus on complex tasks.

Regulatory Compliance

The insurance industry operates under strict regulations, necessitating standardized documentation and audit trails. RPA automates compliance processes, ensuring accuracy and facilitating regular monitoring through comprehensive logs.

Sales and Distribution

Manual sales and distribution processes are error-prone and resource-intensive. RPA simplifies tasks like legal checks and quote requests, enhancing efficiency and maximizing business opportunities.

Finance and Accounts

Managing invoices and financial transactions can be cumbersome for insurance agents. RPA automates these tasks, minimizing errors and streamlining operations while reducing costs.

Policy Administration

Policy administration involves various activities like rating and renewing policies. RPA automates transactional tasks, improving scalability and efficiency in insurance operations.

Business and Process Analytics

RPA facilitates efficient task execution and tracking, enhancing regulatory compliance and improving customer response times through streamlined processes. 

Fraud Detection

Detecting fraudulent activities within insurance is challenging. Intelligent automation solutions analyze data to identify anomalies and enhance fraud detection capabilities in real time.

Policy Cancellation

Manual policy cancellation processes are labor-intensive. RPA expedites cancellations, providing faster resolutions for customers.

Query Resolution

High volumes of customer queries require timely resolutions. RPA automates responses to simple queries, redirecting complex ones to agents for efficient resolution.


Even the insurance industry needs to take steps to safeguard its future. And RPA is the way forward. Here at Sphere Partners, we recognize the evolving landscape where insurers and policyholders unite, weaving robust “financial safety nets” for a future that’s not just safer, but resilient and forward-looking. This shift is visible in the modern insurer’s playbook, where spotting risks in both new and established sectors goes hand-in-hand with leveraging transformative technologies. For more details about our services click here.