How to Save Money with Automation Testing Infrastructure?

08 Jan 2019

Automation testing typically brings with it several money-saving opportunities. It allows companies to save time by running tests continuously. It offers frequent reporting, the benefits of consistency, and exactness. Manual testing can produce costly oversights, which then need to be corrected. This outdated type of testing is also a cash-draining asset.

The cost and time savings currently derived from automation testing are great, but there’s a further opportunity within the test tools. Many engineers choose closed-source instruments for testing, but there are considerable benefits with automated options.

Closed-source tools certainly have their place. This type of software is usually quickly deployed and integrates well with third-party software. It frequently allows customization, and there’s often a support network behind the product that can provide fast answers to inquiries.

The challenges with closed-source options are cumbersome. The provider might charge for problem fixes. Support and redesigns can incur progressing costs, and the product often carries upfront expense. Many features are bundled into such solutions, which forces customers to pay for services they likely do not need.

Key Qualifying Questions

Reviewing the various open source options is best accomplished by operating a checklist. Ask these questions, and consider it a red flag if you cannot provide an answer:

  • What problem are you going to overcome?
    This is one core question for any software project. If you do not have an answer your project is a bit risky.
  • What existing open source solutions can fit my project?
    This investigation should consider both unsupported open source projects and commercially-supported open source products.
  • Can you receive technical support for your initiative, and when will that assistance be needed?
    If you’re going to start from scratch and build a solution and move into production, then you must have a maintenance strategy. Don’t spend too much money on a closed-source solution, but plan ahead for scaling.
  • To what extent your solution is sustainable and how you will support it?
    You may not need sustainability if you’re writing a solution for a one-time event. But if you are making a long-term project, then think about the sustainability of your solution.

Leveraging the Benefits of Open Source

Open source enables technology flexibility, providing multiple ways to solve problems. Open source helps keep your project from getting blocked because a particular capability isn’t available from a closed-source tool package.

There’s the benefit of speed with open source. You can quickly determine if it can fix your business need and offer value. If it can, then support is frequently available for open source, so you can leverage speed but also know you can scale and get help. This makes open source more practical and fiscally responsible options because companies aren’t “locked in” and can use an inexpensive solution that isn’t lacking in capability.

Open source networks and merchants have responded well to data security issues. There are more eyes on the code and the community settles issues rapidly, as opposed to having the code decay in restrictive situations.

Talent is naturally attracted to open-source and understands it’s the future of business. There’s an appreciation amongst engineers to connect with others in a shared undertaking and see their own activities reflected in the product. This network involvement also pays off when sharing support costs. Share the expense of upkeep and supporting applications among various parties.

Highly Reliable Open Source Test Automation Frameworks examples

Here are some of the most reliable and trusted names available today:

Selenium is probably the most popular open source test automation framework for web applications. Selenium is a base for a vast amount of other testing tools.

Appium is designed to test mobile applications. It’s built with the idea that you should not be recompiling your app or modifying it in any way in order to test it.

Apache JMeter
Apache JMeter is designed specifically for load testing and can be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources, web dynamic applications.

RSpec is a ‘Domain Specific Language’ (DSL) testing tool written in Ruby to test Ruby code. It is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework which is extensively used in the production applications. The simplicity in the RSpec syntax makes it one of the popular testing tools for Ruby applications.

A cucumber is a software tool used by computer programmers for testing other software. It runs automated acceptance tests written in a behavior-driven development (BDD) style. Cucumber was originally written in the Ruby programming language and was originally used exclusively for Ruby testing as a complement to the RSpec BDD framework.

TestNG is a testing framework for the Java programming language created by Cédric Beust and inspired by JUnit and NUnit.

Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks.

Cloud instances vs hosting
The decision of cloud facilitating versus devoted server has turned into an interminable point of dialog. Here’s a concise nonpartisan examination without being one-sided towards the cloud facilitating.

Cloud server
In the facilitating scene it is the new and shiny thing and unquestionably has the high capability of turning into the sole answer for information stockpiling and facilitating in the not so distant future. The server is re-appropriated and kept running on virtualized software. A solitary server basically delivers numerous examples of virtual servers. It fundamentally resembles a committed server, however, the client clearly does not realize what equipment his/her server is presently running on.

Regular hosting
This is the conventional, solid and very recommendable method for facilitating pretty much anything, be it exceedingly intuitive sites, web applications or whatever else. It pursues a basic convention in which a client purchases/rents a server from a supplier and pays month to month charges. The server is set-up by someone, instead of cloud facilitating, wherein only an occurrence is made in the cloud, and the client can get to it within minutes since the time required for setting up an occasion is clearly far less than the time required for setting up a total web server.

Cost Differences
Month to month cost for devoted servers may run from $100 to $1,000 contingent on the bundles. On account of distributed computing, it essentially is about the amount you utilize. The base charging ordinarily begins at $50, and there’s no furthest limit obviously in light of the “pay-as-you-utilize” display. The best part about distributed storage is that there is nothing “topped” as there is with devoted servers.

Committed servers are as quick as their cloud partners. However, there are “filthy” cases on account of devoted servers. We see PCs backing off over some undefined time frame due to such a large number of undesirable program records and temp documents running on the server. This can really be the equivalent even with cloud servers however here you can change to another occurrence leaving a “grimy” example behind.

Since information is put away and recovered from different machines on the cloud, regardless of whether one of the servers crashes down out of the blue, your site/web application won’t go down, and you may simply encounter some execution issues and a lull in the pace of execution.

With a devoted server, there’s no such probability of a reinforcement kicking in, and your site/web application goes ahead on account of a server crash. There’s no arrangement until the point when the server is fixed and gets fully operational once more. Virtual private servers offer a halfway arrangement between the two and the advantages of a committed server at a lower cost.

SaaS vs custom local setup of CI server
You may wind up choosing whether to pick a CI SaaS instrument, or a self-facilitated alternative. While it’s incredible to have options, it implies that picking the correct apparatus can be a troublesome choice. There are a few components to think about while picking the correct fit, including facilitating, cost, adaptability, and joining support. There are advantages and disadvantages to all arrangements, and with the tremendous measure of CI alternatives accessible today, there’s no such thing as “one size fits all”.

Like most SaaS items, one of the greatest advantages of CI SaaS products there is no equipment or programming framework to manage. There’s no compelling reason to stress over server upkeep or applying programming refreshes/patches. Most SaaS CI frameworks are easy to set up, especially if you’re utilizing a SaaS VCS (Version Control System) like GitHub or Bitbucket.

The expense of utilization for a SaaS CI/CD arrangement may not scale with your business. For instance, the cost of a SaaS CI/CD administration may go up as your group gets bigger. In the event that you plan on scaling your group altogether, the expense of your CI framework could blow up drastically. Ensure that they are bolstered by the CI supplier you pick.

Self-Hosted CI Tools
While there are numerous appealing focuses for a SaaS CI benefit, a self-facilitated arrangement isn’t without its benefits. One potential advantage of a self-facilitated arrangement is extensibility. Some self-facilitated administrations can be redone with modules/expansions to empower usefulness that is excluded “out of the case”.

Self-facilitated arrangements ordinarily have fewer restrictions on things like form designs and simultaneous form employments. The free form of TeamCity, a CI instrument from JetBrains, is constrained to 100 form designs and three fabricate operators. Licenses for extra arrangements and construct specialists are accessible for procurement, however.

There are potential drawbacks to a self-facilitated framework. You are required to deal with your own framework. This incorporates applying programming refreshes/fixes and may incorporate administration of equipment in case you’re not facilitating the administration on an IaaS stage like AWS, GCP, or Azure. As opposed to a SaaS arrangement, self-facilitated frameworks may require a period escalated procedure to get set up.

Some CI SaaS tools suppliers offer self-facilitated variations of their administrations. For example, CircleCI offers an endeavor arrangement that can act naturally facilitated alone systems, and Travis CI offers Travis CI Enterprise, which is improved for an organization on Amazon EC2 instances. These contributions toss considerably more in with the general mishmash and should be considered when you are determining which tools has the best fit.