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Create stunning web applications, e-commerce platforms and custom database solutions with Sphere’s vetted, in-house senior Ruby on Rails development talent.

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Ruby on Rails Developer Spotlight Profiles

Every Ruby developer is different. Each comes with specific, sometimes hard-to-find yet necessary skillsets to fulfill your project. With Sphere’s Expert Finder—our refined system for finding and matching talent specific to your requirements—we guarantee that any developer we recommend will your team like a glove.

Anton Senior Developer
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Anton is a senior full stack developer and system architect with a rich 15-year background in designing and implementing software, authoring support documentation, and spearheading development projects and teams. Anton excels at multitasking in dynamic environments, proven by his track record of managing several work assignments concurrently. He also possesses a strong capability to explore and adopt new software technologies, programming languages, and tools.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRubyGoBashPHPJavascript ES6node.JSCoffeeScriptTypeScriptFrameworksRuby on RailsSinatraBeegoExpress.JsRDBMSMySQLPostgreSQLDevelopment and Testing ToolsVim/AtomgitJSONRspecCapybaraHardwareArduinobeagleboneSPIOperating SystemUbuntu/MacOSMethodologiesAgileScrumXPPair Programming
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Defined project scope, goals, and deliverables in alignment with business objectives, collaborating effectively with senior management and stakeholders
Led the development and implementation of business processes and both business and technical requirements
Decomposed roadmaps and milestones into deliverable user and technical stories, ensuring clear project progression
Contributed to the development and support of new features, as well as the maintenance of existing products
Provided technical guidance and expert opinions to the development team regarding the selection of tools and frameworks
Developed a high-load API for mobile clients and third-party services, enhancing system efficiency and interoperability
Spearheaded API integrations and the maintenance of a microservices architecture system, ensuring robust and scalable infrastructure
Managed legacy code maintenance and refactoring, improving system performance and maintainability
Aleksandr Software Developer
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Aleksandr is a seasoned software developer with more than 8 years of experience, specializing in Ruby on Rails, Golang and skilled in React. He is adept at executing seamless deployments, handling large-scale data migrations, and crafting custom technology solutions for intricate problems. With exceptional attention to detail and a strong commitment to excellence.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRuby on RailsJavascriptPHPPerlSQLBashGolangJavaCoffeeScriptHTMLCSSPythonFrameworksRuby on RailsAngularRDBMSDB2PostgreSQLMySQLSQLiteApplication/Web ServersApachePumaWebrickDevelopment ToolsDockerKubernetesAWSGitlab CI/CDGitRedmineVMware vSphereRed Hat VirtualizationTesting ToolsRSpecCucumberMethodologiesAgileScrumXPPair ProgrammingTest Driven, Feature Driven, Behaviour Driven DevelopmentWaterfall
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Successfully designed and developed backend application logic, with a focus on efficient API design and request optimization
Skilled in designing and developing frontend solutions, utilizing CoffeeScript and JQuery to create interactive user interfaces
Plays a key role in defining the main functionality of the application, ensuring alignment with project objectives and user needs
Demonstrated expertise in creating applications from scratch, showcasing an ability to conceptualize and execute complex projects
Implemented proof of concepts (PoC) successfully, validating the feasibility and potential of many new ideas and approaches
Artem Solutions Architect
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Artem is a solutions architect and senior web developer with over 12 years of experience, specializing in Ruby on Rails for large web applications and proficient in front-end development with JavaScript, including its prototype-based architecture and modern ECMAScript features. He also has a background in nonprofit Windows-application development using C++ and C# within the Visual Studio 2005 framework.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRubyJavascriptNode.JSPHPCC++ScalajQueryFayeSocket.IOFrameworksRuby on RailsSinatraBackbone.JSReact.JSPolymer 0.5Ember.JSExtJSRDBMSSQLiteMySQLPostgreSQLNoSQLSpecialized MethodologiesAgileSCRUMTest-Driven DevelopmentWaterfall Pair ProgrammingFeature-Driven DevelopmentBehavior-Driven Development
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Enabled large web-applications with Ruby on Rails
Utilized Javascript object-oriented architecture for client projects
Created Windows application apps utilizing C++ and Visual Studio
Evegenii Backend Developer
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With over 16 years of experience in software development, Evgenii excels particularly in back-end development, utilizing technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Python, and Java. He is known for his high efficiency and skill in identifying optimal solutions to tasks. Evgenii's analytical and systemic thinking is evident in his leadership across team development and architectural initiatives.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRubyJavaScriptHTML/CSSErlangSoftware Architecture DesignUMLReverse EngineeringDesign PatternsTechnical DocumentationArchitecture ReportsFrameworksRuby on RailsSinatraSidekiqRabbitMQAngularReactVuePhoenixRDBMSPostgreSQLMySQLRedisElasticssearchSpecialized MethodologiesAgileSCRUMXPSAFEPair ProgrammingTest-Driven DevelopmentFeature-Driven DevelopmentBehavior-Driven DevelopmentWaterfall
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Expertly designed application architecture, ensuring robustness and scalability of the system
Skillfully designed and developed backend API and application logic, contributing to the seamless functionality of the application
Wrote and refactored frontend components, as well as conducted thorough code reviews to maintain high coding standards
Slava Senior Developer
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Slava is an experienced full stack Ruby on Rails developer, boasting over 9 years of expertise in providing architectural support for large and complex projects. He excels in researching and implementing new software technologies, programming languages, and tools to align with business objectives. His dedication to client satisfaction, exceptional problem-solving skills, and commitment to meeting deadlines make him a valuable asset in any professional setting.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRubyPythonJavaScriptTypescriptPHPBashGoHTML/CSSC#FrameworksRuby on RailsReactLaravelSinatraDjangoFlaskAngularDatabasesPostgresMySQLMSSQLElasticSearchMongoDBRedisMessage BrokersKafkaRabbitSQSTesting ToolsRspecMinitestCapybara/SeleniumJest/RTLGH ActionsADO PipelinesApplications/Web ServersApachePumaNginxAWSSpecialized MethodologiesAgileSCRUMDDDTDDPair ProgrammingWaterfall
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Led both backend and frontend development, demonstrating versatility and expertise in full-stack engineering
Successfully integrated third-party services, enhancing the project's functionality and interoperability
Managed infrastructure and Kubernetes configuration, showcasing skills in modern deployment and orchestration technologies
Spearheaded solution design and architecture, ensuring robust and scalable system structures
Maintained a strong technical culture by emphasizing test coverage, code reviews, the use of Swagger, and implementing CI/CD processes, along with fostering effective peer communication
Facilitated seamless communication with the customer's product owners, architects, and operations teams, ensuring alignment with project goals
Provided valuable assistance in defining new specifications and efficient solutions, contributing to the project's strategic direction
Handled production support, including troubleshooting, security updates, and other essential maintenance tasks, ensuring system reliability and security
Oleg Senior Software Architech
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Oleg is an experienced senior software architect and backend engineer with 10+ years of hands-on experience with Ruby. Additionally, he is also a certified Google Cloud engineer.

Programming Languages/TechnologiesRubyKotlinJavaScriptGo.ScalaElixirDartC++Google CloudFrameworksRuby on RailsKtorPlaySpringSinatraPhoenixReactJSDevelopment ToolsScrumKanbanSpotify AgileTDDDDDSOLID
PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Demonstrated exceptional technical leadership of the engineering team, ensuring high standards of development and innovation
Provided expert advice and guidance to product leaders on the technical direction of the platform, contributing to strategic planning and decision-making
Successfully troubleshooted and solved complex technical issues, showcasing advanced problem-solving skills and technical acumen

Revolutionize Your Tech Stack With The Best Global Ruby Expertise

Outsourcing Ruby development offers a strategic advantage for businesses seeking to leverage of Ruby's rich collection of libraries (gems) and metaprogramming capabilities, without the overhead of in-house teams.

By partnering with Sphere's skilled Ruby developers from around the globe, you gain immediate access to a pool of diverse, specialized talent, capable of tackling even the most complex Ruby projects.

Sphere Partners Try Before You Buy
Hire 100% RISK-FREE
Sphere Partners Onboard Developers In Days—Not Weeks
Sphere Partners Freely Customize Your Team Size
Sphere Partners Find the Right RoR Talent Right On-Time
Sphere Partners Seamlessly Integrates Into Your Development Processes
Sphere Partners Experienced in Agile Project Management Environments

Sphere’s Strategic Staffing Process

With a successful track record spanning more than 19 years in staff augmentation, we pride ourselves on a straightforward yet effective formula for success: an extensive in-house talent network of over 400 full-time engineering and development professionals worldwide. We utilize a rigorous, multi-step recruitment process held to the highest standards, designed to secure the best talent for your critical projects.

Step 1: Holistic Requirements

Gathering Holistic Requirements

Uncovering the Why in Hiring

It’s not just about needing an ‘X’ developer; it’s about understanding the deeper reasons ‘why’. The journey starts with asking the right questions to ensure a grasp not only of the immediate requirements but also of the broader context and objectives of your project.

This thorough understanding allows us to provide more than just a developer; you receive a staffing solution that aligns perfectly with your unique needs.

Step 2: Initial Interview

Initial Interview and Screening

Comprehensive Candidate Evaluation

All Sphere developers are full-time hires and integral members of our team from the outset. Therefore, the recruitment process extends beyond just assessing technical expertise; it includes evaluating whether the candidates recommended to you can communicate effectively in your company’s language and understand your industry’s specific terminologies.

This approach ensures that you receive professionals who are not only skilled but also meet the strictest standards.

Step 3: Technical Interviews

In-Depth Technical Interviews

Beyond Technical Skills: Total Fit Screening

In our recruiting’s next step of technical interviews, we prioritize matching the talent with your project requirements. Our goal is not to simply check if the candidate knows specific programming languages or technologies; we strive to gauge their comprehensive understanding of the intricacies behind these technologies.

Our technical interviews are conducted with the highest standard—to the point of often leaving applicants even more eager to work with us and be a part of the project.

Step 4: Success Interviews

Client Success Interviews

Ease of Team Integration and Cultural Fit

Each candidate passes extra screening with your assigned client success partners. They conduct cultural fit interviews to ensure that the candidates align well with your team’s culture and product vision.

This step is vital to guarantee that our final recommended candidate not only meets the technical requirements but also embodies the values and ethos of the team behind the project—all essential for a harmonious and productive collaboration.

Step 5+: Continuous Success

Continuous Success Program

Our Partnership Perfection Promise

Every client’s project is unique, so our success team maintains regular communication with your project leaders, implementing a continuous and systematic feedback process.

This ensures that the development resource remains the perfect fit for your needs—whether it’s for 7 days, 30 days, a year and beyond. And, in the rare event that our match does not meet your expectations, we proactively address any issues, including providing an immediate replacement if necessary.

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Hire Your Next Ruby on Rails Developer

By The Numbers: World-Class Software Development Consulting

We understand that choosing the right software development company can be a challenge. With over 15 years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients, we have the market-proven experience and software solutions to fit your needs. See some of the success stories for and check out our client testimonials.

Years of Experience
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Clutch.co Review Score
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Client retention rate
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Completed Projects for Startups
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Empower Your Business with Global Expertise

Great work comes from great partnerships, and some of our partners are among the best companies in their industries. Our partners’ brightest minds worked with our own: Sphere’s senior engineering, development and leadership talent to create solutions that redefined their business.

But, you don’t have take our word for it. Hear it straight from our world-class partners.


Gett is the European market leader of on-demand mobile transportation, delivery and logistics. They worked with our team to create an online, API-based system to accept and process delivery orders from the multitude of vendor partners.

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CreditNinja is a leading online lender offering more affordable personal loans for borrowers with low credit scores. They worked with our developers and database engineers to create a loan approval workflow, including custom integrations with their third-party services.

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Proclivity Systems

Proclivity Systems is a leading, smart advertising platform that connects brands to healthcare professionals and patients. We worked with Proclivity Systems to help create their core LayerRx platform; utilizing our comprehensive analytics and engineering experience.

Core Capabilities
  • Software Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Engineering
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Ruby on Rails Frequently Asked Questions

Ruby on Rails (often simply called Rails), is a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is known for its convention over configuration approach, which streamlines the development process by providing a standard structure for web pages, databases, web services, and more. This differs from frameworks like Django (Python-based) or Node.js (JavaScript-based) in its unique philosophy and the tight integration of the Ruby language features, enabling rapid development and deployment.

Essential skills for a Ruby on Rails developer include a strong grasp of the Ruby language, familiarity with the Rails framework, understanding of MVC architecture, proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end development, knowledge of database management, and experience with version control, preferably Git. Additionally, skills in writing clean, maintainable code and a solid understanding of web application security principles are highly valued.

Technical proficiency is typically assessed through a combination of coding tests, portfolio reviews, and technical interviews. Coding tests might involve specific Ruby and Rails programming challenges, while portfolio reviews provide insights into the complexity and scale of projects the developer has worked on. Technical interviews can explore depth of understanding in Rails, problem-solving skills, and familiarity with web development best practices.

Examples of successful projects might include the development of an e-commerce platform with complex inventory and payment processing systems, a content management system with custom themes and plugins, or a social networking site with real-time messaging features. Details of these projects would showcase the developer’s ability to handle various aspects of web development, from database design to user interface development and performance optimization.

Ensuring scalability and performance involves optimizing code, efficient database queries, caching strategies, and sometimes integrating background job systems for asynchronous processing. It also includes using tools like New Relic for performance monitoring and adhering to best practices in Rails, such as eager loading and efficient use of resources.

Handling security concerns involves implementing measures like secure password handling with bcrypt, validating and sanitizing user input to prevent injection attacks, using Rails’ built-in protections against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), and ensuring proper handling of user sessions and cookies. Staying updated with the latest security patches and understanding common web vulnerabilities are also crucial aspects.

Staying updated involves regularly reading Ruby on Rails documentation and release notes, following key figures and organizations in the Ruby community on social media or blogs, participating in online forums, contributing to open-source projects, and attending conferences or local meetups. Engaging with the wider Rails community is vital for keeping abreast of the latest trends and best practices.

Find Your Next Ruby on Rails Developer