Achieving Business Goals with the Nuclear Energy of React.js

  The world-wide web has become very dynamic and complex. A myriad of UI elements should interact with one another while being responsive to the user. For example, if the user presses the button “A”, the button “B” should be hidden, but several additional panels with their own buttons, checkboxes, and other UI elements should

July 18th, 2016|

Tips to Consider When Looking for a Best Software Developer

Looking for an app to be developed and hopeful that any software developer will meet your demands? Odds are, your project will provide you with more headaches than you bargained for if you didn’t do your research. Difficulties in developing quality software may be more prominent than you think. To be exact, out of 50,000

July 18th, 2016|

Testing Process optimization with more Documentation

  To create effective and efficient software tools, your design must undergo a serious testing process. This procedure has to be thorough so that any issues are resolved well before the software’s distribution. Although a comprehensive evaluation is required, there are ways to optimize this task, decrease the effort and make your testing more productive.

May 20th, 2016|

Quick tour on how Ruby on rails talks to the world

  A quick reminder about producing text messages in Ruby. Talk to the world The basic method for text output is puts from IO: puts “Hello World” # Hello World With interpolation it’s possible to insert some expression in a string: age = 2016-1990 puts “I’m #{age} years old” # I’m 26 years old For

April 5th, 2016|