Avoiding the ‘Dance of Dysfunction’: How to Bridge the CEO-CTO Gap

Sphere Can Be Your Guide in this Critical Tech Leadership Tango

By Leon Ginsburg, Founder and CEO, Sphere Partners

Here’s a scene you’ve probably seen play out in a tech company C-suite near you: The CEO bemoans that their CTO (or CIO) “just doesn’t get it,” while the CTO stews over the fact that the CEO “has no clue about our workload!”

That dance of dysfunction among top tech leadership is all too common, especially as we move faster and faster in our quest for disruption and innovation.  

CEOs, CTOs, and other tech leaders can benefit from the tips given here on how to bridge the gap between us: 

29 Sep 2023

Find Common Ground

“You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole” is often an accurate comparison of CEOs and CTOs. The two tend to hail from entirely different planets when it comes to their thought processes, social circles, and communication styles.

Instead of forcing an awkward merger of worlds or — worse — retreating to your corners and not facing your differences, try a different tact: Take a detour from the boardroom. 

Grab a meal, meet for a drink, or bond over a match of pickleball. You might discover you have some common ground. Besides, who can deny that pickleball is an effective means of diplomacy?

Harness the Power of Alignment

A harmonious CEO-CTO partnership absolutely requires alignment. Full stop. 

It is on the CEO to make sure that the CTO and tech team know and understand the company’s business goals for the next month, quarter, and year. It is on the CTO to ensure their team’s plans match those objectives. 

Even better than telling people about goals is involving them from the start. When the CEO and CTO work together to craft strategy, a shared vision emerges, and their alignment is secured. Like a well-choreographed dance routine, this approach ensures that everyone moves in sync. 

“In business, as in dance, it’s all about finding the right rhythm.” — Tech Guru

Build Trust, Brick by Brick

For CEOs, unless you have magical super powers, you can’t be an expert in all things technical, nor does anyone expect you to be. You need to trust and empower your tech leader — this is why you hired them in the first place. 

If you doubt your CTO’s dedication or the accuracy of their estimates, don’t be passive-aggressive or try to micromanage your way through it. That is a surefire way to step on each other’s toes.

If trust remains elusive, bring in an impartial third party to validate or alleviate your concerns. And remember, like the tango, it takes two to trust: You must earn your CTO’s trust as well. 

“In tech, trust is the currency that buys you innovation.” — Tech Visionary

Stay the Course

Yes, you need to be agile, respond to customer needs, and pivot when necessary. But don’t confuse agility with a never-ending tap dance. 

Building software is like constructing a house — shifting the room layout midway will result in costly foundation changes. Continuous alterations lead to diminished productivity, demoralized teams, and a rickety tech platform. 

Ironically, this is when a CEO might start questioning their CTO’s abilities. It is imperative that you lean into the trust mentioned above and remain confident to stay on course. 

“Building a tech product is like building a sandcastle — too many waves of change, and it crumbles.” — Tech Sage

Let Sphere Be Your Dance Instructor

At Sphere, we’re more than tech executives and consultants. We’re your partners in the CEO-CTO tango. We specialize in bridging the gap between key tech leaders and ensuring that they remain in lockstep. 

Whether it’s coaching CEOs, mentoring CTOs, or stepping in as the lead of your tech team when you sense things may go haywire, Sphere is here to ensure your product development and technology are always in sync with your vision.

In the world of tech, communication is the cha-cha of success. So grab your tech partner, and let’s dance our way to a brighter tech future together.

“At Sphere, we make sure your CEO and CTO are the Fred and Ginger of the tech world: elegant, synchronized, and utterly fabulous.” — Sphere’s Tech Maestro