Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, the IoT—What Does the Future Hold?

Leon Molchanovsky is a partner with Galaxy Innovation, a company that focuses on helping organizations make strategic technology decisions that further their goals and objectives. Leon participated in a Tech Debate in London where the panel discussed opportunities forming from the intersection of the digital and physical realms. Fortunately, I was able to talk with

September 7th, 2019|

Agile, Security, & Compliance—Exploring the Tensions

Can security, compliance, innovation, and Agile methodologies coexist? On September 17, 2019, in Austin, Texas, a TechDebate panel of Agile and technology experts will gather to address this question. To get a sneak preview, I had the chance to talk with one of our panelists, Will Simpson, founder and CEO of the consultancy Ten

September 3rd, 2019|

Agile Development Success Lies in Communication and Curiosity

Peter Caron, Chief Product Officer at UBIX.AI, was one of the participating panelists in our July TechDebate discussing the challenges and merits of agile development. Peter has spent his career in product management, and much of this experience has been working on data science-driven products. I had the opportunity to talk with him further

August 26th, 2019|

The Healthy Dissonance of Agile Development Methodology

At our July TechDebate in Chicago, the panel discussed the value and challenges of agile development methodology from several different perspectives. After the event, I had the opportunity to have a follow-up conversation with the event’s moderator, David Radzialowski, owner of Third and 10 Product Consulting. Sphere Software hosts a series of TechDebates around

August 21st, 2019|

Making Agile Development More Comfortable

  Belinda Hardman is a senior project manager/Scrum master for Morningstar. She shared her wealth of project management expertise within the technology sector during a recent TechDebate in Chicago in which the panel discussed the applications of agile development to traditionally non-agile projects. Thankfully, I had the opportunity to speak with Belinda about the topic

August 19th, 2019|

Learn About High-Performance Computing & Cloud Computing With Our Use Cases

Cloud computing as a business is fairly new. It was introduced by Amazon in 2006, followed by Google beta product in 2008, and last but not least - Microsoft released its first version of Azure in 2010. Since then clouds have been evolving at an astonishing pace, constantly improving performance, inter-communication, and adding new

July 29th, 2019|

Agile planning – building an agile organization

  Agile Planning - Creating and Reaping the Benefits of an Agile Organization The legendary boxer Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." While Tyson has plenty of areas of personal weakness, his ability to approach a boxing match in an agile manner was unmatched. He fully

July 18th, 2019|