RSpec Tutorial: Testing Generated Binary Files

RSpec has become the standard framework used to test code written in Ruby. Its extensive library allows developers to isolate, extract, and test specific files within an application in order to decrease bugs and improve overall quality and stability. Although RSpec testing provides the tools necessary to test virtually every aspect of an application, some

July 18th, 2016|

Testing Process optimization with more Documentation

  To create effective and efficient software tools, your design must undergo a serious testing process. This procedure has to be thorough so that any issues are resolved well before the software’s distribution. Although a comprehensive evaluation is required, there are ways to optimize this task, decrease the effort and make your testing more productive.

May 20th, 2016|

Digital Marketing Best Practices for Tech Companies

This ​year, ​we ​attended ​Digital ​Summit ​Chicago ​-- ​a ​digital ​marketing ​conference ​featuring thought ​leaders ​from ​companies ​like ​Microsoft, ​AOL, ​Pandora, ​and ​ Below, ​we ​wrote ​up ​our ​favorite ​insights ​that ​we ​learned ​from ​this ​event. ​These ​best practices ​can ​be ​utilized ​by ​any ​tech ​company ​to ​compliment ​their ​sales ​strategy. B2B Marketing and Sales

April 6th, 2016|

Quick tour on how Ruby on rails talks to the world

  A quick reminder about producing text messages in Ruby. Talk to the world The basic method for text output is puts from IO: puts “Hello World” # Hello World With interpolation it’s possible to insert some expression in a string: age = 2016-1990 puts “I’m #{age} years old” # I’m 26 years old For

April 5th, 2016|

Machine Learning Made More Effective Through Python

Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. While artificial intelligence covers the broad concept that machines should be able to perform what humans consider “intelligent” tasks, machine learning is based on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt through experience.

April 1st, 2016|

An Introduction to Golang by Google

In 2007 Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson created a compiled and statically typed language called “Go.” This new language was meant to resolve problems they regularly experienced with languages they were using at Google. Here is a list of the pain points this group sought to address: Slow builds Uncontrolled dependencies Different subsets

April 1st, 2016|

How Custom Software Solutions Can Automate Your DevOps?

Today’s companies routinely leverage IT products to conduct their business. Many of them empower their IT departments to maintain the computing environments as well as the software and services that are used throughout the company. As virtualization and cloud technologies continue to grow, automating the deployment and environment setup has become even more challenging and

February 10th, 2016|