Case Study: Augments Development, Speeds Time to Market with Sphere

ABOUT enables Ecommerce brands a new way to both leverage and build a strong community of loyal customers worldwide, by offering potential customers the ability to test and experience products from people nearby who own them. Founded in Zurich in 2019, the company’s mission is to help honest brands have their products discovered by

March 20th, 2020|

Tech Talent Management In Agile Software Development Company

As published on, December 4, 2019. By Leon Ginsburg, CEO at Sphere Software and Forbes Technology Council Member Cloud computing, cybersecurity, blockchain, machine learning, artificial intelligence — tech talent resources to drive these critical areas of advancement are in incredibly short supply. In fact, technology talent in these and many other areas is threatening

December 16th, 2019|

Adaptive Talent Management for an Emerging Technology Company

Blockchain has excited the financial world, now OpenLaw is bringing this energy to the legal community. OpenLaw is an open-source protocol utilizing blockchain technology to arrange the world's commercial relationships. They’re building the first decentralized peer-to-peer protocol for creating legal agreements. But, how can an emerging technology company, like OpenLaw, use adaptive talent management as

October 22nd, 2019|

Hiring Remote Workers the Right Way

  Recruitment is hard. You have to deal with people outside of your organization. And these people have different priorities, opinions, and various approaches. They likely use different tools and possess their own work philosophy that might not always gel with your organization. When you’re hiring remote people, all of these differences are amplified. Acquiring

June 10th, 2019|

Winning the IT Battle with Offshore Team Staffing

By 2022, the demand for advanced technology skill sets will exceed the supply of workers with these skills creating a shortage of 900,000 professionals in the U.S. alone. This talent shortfall is projected to represent approximately 1.4 billion hours of lost productivity each year.* If each of these hours is valued at a blended average of

February 6th, 2019|

3 Reasons Why You Need To Hire a Qualified Development Team

In today’s job market, it can seem like a luxury to hire a qualified development team – in fact, it’s the key to your growth and success. Let us tell you why. It happens often enough to everyone: you need a new hire. We’re in a global market now where more and more people are

November 21st, 2018|

Remote vs onsite – 5 Ways Remote Workers Outperform In-Office Workers

  Remote vs OnSite? You hear it everywhere: offices lined with cubicle workers are on their way out. The hottest startups attract new talent with promises of work-at-home Fridays. Ranks of digital nomads take their jobs to the beach. But if you’re a manager looking to make a new hire you’ll be looking to ask

September 28th, 2018|